Superintendent Vicki Chávez relentlessly pursues improvement - self, home, work, community, systems - you name it – she is driven by possibilities and sees obstacles as opportunities!
Superintendent Vicki Chávez has served in education for 25 years, first as a Middle School & High School Math Teacher and Varsity Girls Soccer Coach, an Instructional Coach, School Principal, Executive Director of the SW Regional Education Cooperative, and now as Superintendent for Deming Public Schools. The diversity of her experiences has offered multiple lenses (and opportunities) to learn, grow, and improve her practices. Her passion for equity and opportunity drove her to start a Spanish Dual Language and Enrichment program at her school and continue her own learning about language development by pursuing a TESOL endorsement. Her deep commitment to students has driven her to be active in advocating for legislation that ensures students and teachers across New Mexico have equitable access to resources and supports that improve student outcomes.
Prior to entering the education field and earning a MA in Curriculum & Instruction, she worked in the private sector as a loan analyst and financial manager in a food manufacturing plant. She also holds a BBA in Finance and completed her MBA in July 2019.
Her passion for student success drives her to expand her own learning. She believes that an education is a gift no one can take away and knows the future of our state and country rests in the investment made in our children.