Below are some reminders from the Transportation Team for the new school year.
Student Eligibility
• New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) transportation state statue provides that students are eligible for transportation services if school bus routes are:
• One mile one way for students in grades kindergarten through 6
• One and one-half miles one way for students in grades 7-9
• Two miles one way for students in grades 10-12
• Students will not be required to walk a greater distance to the bus stop than the required walking distance for each grade level.
• All NM Pre-K students are ineligible for transportation except those with an IEP that require special needs busing.
Parent & Student Roles & Responsibilities
• Parent/Student Roles & Responsibilities forms will be available to all bus riders in their portal.
• All parent and student roles & responsibilities forms must be signed and returned on the 1st week of school.
• Students must be at the bus stop ready to load 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled stop time listed on bus schedule on Infinite Campus.
501T's - All students on 501T's for the previous school year must reapply for the new school year. A 501T is required if....
• Requesting transportation for a student who attends a school outside of their school of residence:
If your child is attending a school other than their school of residence, transportation by our district will no longer be a service provided in the 2023-2024 school year except for students approved by the Director of Transportation. The approval process has changed and may take longer to be processed than in the previous years. Parents will be responsible to make other transportation arrangements during the waiting period and if their request is denied.
• We highly encourage parents to enroll their students at their school of residence. You can contact your student’s current school to find out if they are attending their school of residence or you can check school boundaries and bus route information by visiting: www.infofinderi.com (You can also access this link on the DPS website under Transportation Dept.)
• Requesting dual bus passes for custody situations. *Parents must provide proof of court approved custody agreement to student’s school for upload*
• Requesting a pickup or drop off location outside of the student's primary address.
• 501T forms will be sent for renewal on the portal and will be processed on a first come first serve basis. If you need to fill out a form for the first time you will need to contact the transportation office to be sent a form.
Any questions, please contact the Transportation Team at (575) 543-1009 or [email protected]
23-24 SY Transportation PSA Part 2 Color Final[40].pdf